4. Options Module
Options module is mainly used for system configuration and hardware configuration.
Add Panel
Click the Add button below the Panel list to bring up the Profile Add Panel window.
User can enter a custom panel name in the Panel Name edit box and click the OK button to add an empty panel into the panel list on the Profile Edit page.
User may also check the User Default Panel Config selection box and select one of the template panel in the Default Panel Config list before click OK button. This will copy all the default hardware signal configuration of the selected template panel to the newly added panel.
4.1 System Configuration
4.1.1 Aircraft Setting
User can choose to switch active flight model software under aircraft setting part. ToLiss, Jeehell FMGS and iFSim are currently supported.
The configuration part will change when user choose different flight model. User can than edit the configurations here to finish aircraft settings.
ToLiss A320 [X-Plane]
- X-Plane Plugin IP
If iFSim.Ready is running on the same computer with X-Plane, just use the default Otherwise set the X-Plane computer IP address here.
- Set iFSimReady-XP-Plugin To X-Plane
A plugin named "iFSimReadyXPPlugin" must be installed before the first time using CNFSimulator A320 panels together with Toliss / X-Plane. User should close X-Plane firstly, than click the "Set iFSimReadyXPPlugin To X-Plane" button and select "\Resources\plugins\" folder under X-Plane software installation path. The plugin will work after X-Plane starts.
User can also copy the "iFSimReadyXPPlugin" folder under iFSim.Ready software installation path to the "\Resources\plugins\" folder under X-Plane software installation path manually without using the button.
Jeehell FMGS A320 [Prepar3D]
No configurations now.
iFSim A320 [Prepar3D V4+]
No configurations now.
4.1.1 Profile Setting
Profile setting part consist of profile list, profile manage buttons, profile start/stop buttons and profile start settings.
Profile List
Profile list shows all the configuration profiles. The following configuration profile files will be installed with the software by default.
- ToLissA320.xml
- ToLissA320_TQ.xml
- ToLissA320_CLOCK.xml
- iFSimA320_CLOCK.xml
Double-click a profile in the profile list could set it as Active Profile. A green Active will display after the profile name. There could only be one active profile.
Profile Manage Buttons
Click the Edit button on the right side of the profile list to Edit the selected Profile file in the profile list. The Profile Edit Page will display. See the Profile Edit chapter for more information.
Click the Copy button on the right side of the profile list to Copy the selected Profile file in the profile list. The Profile Copy Window will display and user can enter the copied profile name in the window. Please notice that if an exist name is entered, the copied profile will replace the old one.
Click the Create button to create a new Profile file. The Profile Create Window will display and user can enter the new profile name and select aircraft model in the window.
Click the Delete button on the right side of the profile list to Delete the selected Profile file in the profile list. There will be a pop up confirm window.
Profile Start/Stop Buttons
Click the Start Profile button will run the Active Profile in the profile list. iFSim.Ready software will execute the signal mapping configured in the Profile file, transfers the hardware signal mapping to the corresponding model, and transmits the output signal mapping from the model to the hardware.
Click the Stop Profile button will stop the Active Profile.
Profile Start Settings
- Start Default Profile at iFSim.Ready Start
If this option is selected, the Active Profile file will automatically runs when iFSim.Ready software starts.
- Start iFSim.Ready With Minimized
If this option is selected, iFSim.Ready software will automatically minimized to the system task bar when starts. The software will keep working through the whole flight simulation. User can double-click the iFSim icon in the system task bar to re-open the software interface and make any changes.
4.2 Profile Edit
User can enter the Profile Edit page by select a Profile in the profile list under Options / System page and click the Edit button on the right side of the profile list. User can modify the selected Profile file in the Profile Edit page.
Profile Edit page is consist of title bar, hardware panel list, hardware signal list and hardware signal configuration four regions.
4.2.1 Title Bar
Title bar shows the iFSim.Ready software version, current edit Profile file name and flight model name of the Profile file. Title bar also provides Change, Save, Help, About and Close buttons.
Current Profile Information
The green text on the title bar shows the name of the currently modified Profile file and the selected model of the Profile. The information is divided by ":". Which means the text before ":" shows the name of the Profile file and the text after ":" shows the name of the model corresponding to the Profile file.
Change Button
Click the Change button on the title bar will pop up the Profile Change window. User can change the Profile file name and the aircraft flight model in the Profile Change window. Click OK will complete the changes, and click Cancel will cancel the modification.
Please notice that if the aircraft changed, all signal mappings in the Profile will change to NONE.
Save Button
Click the Save button on the title bar will save all the changes. There will be a prompt window if saved successfully.
Close Button
Click the Close button on the title bar will close the Profile Edit page and back to main software page. If there is any unsaved changes when try to close the page, an inquiry window will pop up. Click Yes to save and then close, or click No to close without saving the changes.
4.2.2 Hardware Panel List
The left part of the Profile Edit page is the Hardware Panel List region. The list shows all the panels in the current Profile file. User can scroll the mouse wheel to slide up and down to see more panels.
Add Panel
Click the Add button below the Panel list to bring up the Profile Add Panel window.
User can enter a custom panel name in the Panel Name edit box and click the OK button to add an empty panel into the panel list on the Profile Edit page.
User may also check the User Default Panel Config selection box and select one of the template panel in the Default Panel Config list before click OK button. This will copy all the default hardware signal configuration of the selected template panel to the newly added panel.
Edit Panel
Click the Edit button below the Panel list to bring up the Profile Edit Panel window.
User can change the panel name in the Panel Name edit box. After click the OK button, changes will be saved to the panel.
Delete Panel
Click the Delete button below the Panel list to delete any selected panel. There will be a pop up confirm window.
4.2.3 Hardware Signal List
The middle part of the Profile Edit page is the Hardware Signal List region. The list shows all the input and output hardware signals of the selected panel. Signals are classified by signal type. User can scroll the mouse wheel to slide up and down to see more signals.
There are totally seven signal types.
- Digit Input: Digital input signal, generally use to define button or switch signal on the panel.
- Encoder: Encoder signal, generally use to define 360 degrees rotate knob signal. For example, the HDG knob on the FCU panel.
- Analog: Analog input signal, generally use to define control signal or knob signal. For example, side stick or backlight control knob.
- Digit Output: Digital output signal, generally use to define indicator or enabled control signal. For example, the AP1 button indicator light on the FCU panel or the balance wheel motor control enable signal.
- Display: Segment display control signal, generally use to define the control signal of digital display. For example, the HDG display on the FCU panel.
- Servo: Servo motor position control signal, generally use to define position-controlled components control signal. For example, trim wheels or brake pressure gauges.
- PWM: Pulse amplitude modulator control signal, generally use to define brightness adjustment control signal. For example, panel backlight luminance adjustment or reading light luminance adjustment.
Add Signal
Click the Add button below the hardware signal list will bring up the Profile Add Element pop-up window. User can enter a custom signal name, select a hardware panel and hardware signal, then click OK button to complete adding the hardware signal.
For Digit Input, Encoder and Analog input signal types, the software can auto select the hardware signal. User can check the Auto identification selection box, and than press or rotate the target component on the hardware panel. The Profile Add Element pop-up window will automatically jump to the triggered signal. For example, when user press the AP1 button on the FCU, the signal list will automatically jump to the GLARE_FCU panel and select GLARE.FCU.AP1 signal.
For Digit Output, Display, Servo and PWM output signal types, the software does not provide automatic jump function, but provides additional signal testing function.
For Digit Output, after selecting an output signal in the signal list, user can set an output signal value in the State edit box. After click the Test button, software will send the output signal to the connected hardware panel. If the State value is set to 1, the corresponding indicator light will light up or enable the signal to be turned on. If the State value is set to 0, the corresponding indicator light will be off or the enable signal will be turned off.
For Display, after selecting an output signal in the signal list, user can set an output text in the Text edit box. After click the Test button, software will send the output signal to the connected hardware panel. The corresponding display will show the corresponding number or character. Please notice that only numbers from 0 to 9 and characters ".", "R", "L", "-", "o", "s", "t", "d" are supported.
For Servo and PWM, after selecting an output signal in the signal list, user can set an output signal value in the Value edit box. After click the Test button, software will send the output signal to the connected hardware panel. The corresponding servo motor, panel backlight or lamp brightness will change correspondingly.
Edit Signal
Click the Edit button below the hardware signal list will bring up the Profile Edit Element pop-up window. The operation is consistent with adding hardware signals.
Delete Signal
Click the Delete button below the hardware signal list to delete any selected signal. There will be a pop up confirm window.
4.2.4 Hardware Signal Configuration
The right part of the Profile Edit page is the Hardware Signal Configuration region. In this region, user can browse information of the selected signal and edit the signal mapping.
Displays basic hardware signal information. IOB indicates the board number and IOP indicates the channel number.
ON Action
For Digit Input type, configure the model signal mapping when hardware signal is 1.
For Digit Output type, configure the hardware signal mapping when model signal is 1.
- Function
User can use the drop-down box to select the target map function. User can also enter and search functions using the edit box before select.
- Signal Reversal
Tick this selection box indicating that the signal value is reversal. For example, when the hardware signal is 1, the value send to the model will be 0.
- Set OFF Action
Quickly set the current selected ON Action function to the OFF Action.
OFF Action
For Digit Input type, configure the model signal mapping when hardware signal is 0.
For Digit Output type, configure the hardware signal mapping when model signal is 0.
The operation is consistent with ON Action.
Value Change Action
For Encoder and Analog type, configure the model signal mapping when hardware signal changes.
For Display, Servo and PWM type, configure the hardware signal mapping when model signal changes.
The operation is consistent with ON Action.
4.3 Hardware Configuration
USB-CAN Device
The USB-CAN Device Settings are available on the Hardware configuration page and can be configured according to the type of USB-CAN device used by the A320 component.
CandleLight protocol is generally used for individual components, and USBCAN-II protocol is generally used for the entire cabin.
If you link the panel directly to your computer, the CAN device type should be CandleLight. If you link the panel to your computer through another box, the CAN device type should be USBCAN-II. You can also check with our after-sales service personnel if you are not sure what type it is.
FMS Device
There is an additional control panel in the middle of the FMS, which allows you to control the landing gear handle, flapper handle, spoiler preposition switch and stop switch through various components within the panel.
When using the FMS device, you must tick the Enable FMS ExtCtl Panel selection box.