2.1 Quick Start with iFSim.Ready
Connect your CNFSimulator A320 panels to your computer before you start any simulate flight. You need also make sure what kind of CAN device the panels are using. Generally, if you link the panel directly to your computer, the CAN device type should be CandleLight. If you link the panel to your computer through another box, the CAN device type should be USBCAN-II. You can also check with our after-sales service personnel if you are not sure what type it is.
You should also make sure that you have installed all the software you need. Including iFSim.Ready, any flight simulating software like X-Plane, and any flight model software like ToLiss. See Chapter 1.2 for how to get and install iFSim.Ready software.
Double-click the desktop shortcut or iFSimReady.exe under install path to start the software.
Click Options on the sidebar, then click Hardware tab to go to the Hardware setting page. Select the right type of CAN device your panel are using here. If you are using CNFSimulator FMS device, tick the Enable FMS ExtCtl Panel as well.

Click Overview on the sidebar back to the main page. You should see both CAN Device and your panel are Connect at the Hardware region.

Click Options on the sidebar again, then click System tab to go to the System setting page. Select the flight model you are using under the Aircraft Setting region.
If iFSim.Ready is running on the same computer with flight simulate software like X-Plane, just use the default IP Otherwise enter the X-Plane computer IP address at the IP edit box.
If you are using ToLiss, than a plugin named "iFSimReadyXPPlugin" must be installed before the first time using CNFSimulator A320 panels. User should close X-Plane firstly, than click the "Set iFSimReadyXPPlugin To X-Plane" button and select "\Resources\plugins\" folder under X-Plane software installation path. The plugin will work after X-Plane starts.
User can also copy the "iFSimReadyXPPlugin" folder under iFSim.Ready software installation path to the "\Resources\plugins\" folder under X-Plane software installation path manually without using the button.
You can view all the profiles in the profile list and choose the suitable one for your hardware panel and software. Double-click the profile in the profile list could set it as Active Profile. A green Active will display after the profile name.
Make sure the Start Profile button is gray, which means the Active Profile is running. Otherwise, click the Start Profile button.
You can also tick any profile start options under the Start Profile button as needed.
If Start Default Profile at iFSim.Ready Start is selected, the Active Profile file will automatically runs when iFSim.Ready software starts.
If Start iFSim.Ready With Minimized is selected, iFSim.Ready software will automatically minimized to the system task bar when starts.
You can start flight simulate software like X-Plane now. When starting, you can click Overview on the sidebar back to the main page and monitoring whether it is connect successfully.
After finished settings, you can click the minimize button to hide iFSim.Ready to the system task bar. The software will keep working through the whole flight simulation. You can double-click the iFSim icon in the system task bar to re-open the software interface and make any changes.
You can click the close button to quit iFSim.Ready software. Please notice that after iFSim.Ready software closed, you can't connect CNFSimulator hardware to flight simulating software anymore.