Alibre Design 超值实用的三维CAD设计软件

Alibre Design软件是由一群专业的工程师,藉由网际网络强大的沟通联络功能,所研发的3D 实体模型建构软件,让设计团队能够同时进行互动式的3D设计。具有机械结构设计、即时线上协同设计、设计小组资料控管等功能。通过网络,就能让使用者安全地分享准确的设计资料,进而减少成本、缩短制造周期、强化生产力、提升品质,可以说是专业设计者的优质选择。

Alibre Design 超值实用的三维CAD设计软件
CnTech has developed over 30 types of flight simulators, virtual simulation software and hardware products, including Airbus A320, COMAC C919, and General Aviation simulators. We have provided professional solutions and services to more than 1500 users in the fields of training, technical research, and scientific and educational research.
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