Visual Slope 新一代多模块耦合集成式岩土工程设计分析软件

Visual Slope软件是新一代多模块耦合集成的岩土工程设计分析软件,结果可靠,值得信赖。Visual Slope软件开发组为了更好的服务中国岩土工程界客户,在Visual Slope中国版加入了中国设计规范,用户可通过设置来选择适合中国规范进行设计。Visual Slope软件选用许用应力法(ASD)或极限状态(LRFD)法来进行设计,其计算结果都经过了严格的核查并已被大量的重大工程所验证。软件界面友好、操作明了,它应用类似于AutoCAD那种简单的作图法来建立分析剖面图,并设置材料参数。

Visual Slope 新一代多模块耦合集成式岩土工程设计分析软件
CnTech has developed over 30 types of flight simulators, virtual simulation software and hardware products, including Airbus A320, COMAC C919, and General Aviation simulators. We have provided professional solutions and services to more than 1500 users in the fields of training, technical research, and scientific and educational research.
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